Time: 11am-1pm
Locations: Faith Center/Various
If you have any questions or need help, contact Mary Osen, Administrative Assistant, at mary@fpcfl.org or call 239-542-2858 ext 206.

Sunday Nursery
Sundays at 9:30am
Location: Nursery
- The nursery is available for infants and children up through age 4.
- Please see an usher for assistance.
Please contact the church office at info@fpcfl.org.

Children’s Sunday School
Children are invited to Sunday school after the sermon, where a teacher will guide them to the classroom. Children are always encouraged to be present in worship and be part of the community.

Youth Sunday School
Sundays at 12:00pm, Noon.
Location: Youth House
Middle School and High School Youth are invited to come to the Youth House following morning worship for “Jesus Time”.
If you are able, please fill out the registration forms below.
Youth Registration / Covenant / Waiver (grades 6-12)
Thanks be to God for the future of Children & Youth Programming!
An intergenerational group of almost 70 Faith members and staff met the afternoon of Sept 19 to dream on and discuss ways God is calling us to lead our Children & Youth. Their commitment and genuine care and concern affirmed our call as God’s people to continue to “train up a child in the way he should go”. (Proverbs 22:6) Thanks to their leadership!
You are invited to serve alongside the Children & Youth Committee in a very important way – don’t worry, there is something for EVERYONE. Visit the links below to find the opportunity God is calling you to be a part of. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email youth@fpcfl.org or call the church office at 239-542-2858.

Children & Youth Mid-Week Activities
More information coming soon.

God’s Angels
KDG—5th grades
Resumes Sept 21, from 6:00-6:45pm
Location: Faith Center
Open to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, this is a contemporary Christian singing and movement program. This group will perform in worship approximately once a month.

Creative Movement & Recreation
KDG—5th grades
Resumes Sept 21, from 6:45-7:15pm
Location: Faith Center
Children exercise their bodies and minds through creative game play and movement.

6th – 12th grade
Resumes Sept 22nd, from 6-8:15pm
Location: Various
Connect with each other, Connect with yourself, Connect with God!
Joyful Noise Hand Bell Choir
8th grade—Adults
Currently Postponed
Location: Sanctuary
Children’s Bells
Currently Postponed
Location: Bell Room