Discover Faith
Faith Presbyterian Church welcomes all people who trust in God’s Grace in Jesus Christ, and who desire to become part of the membership and ministry of the congregation.
If you would like to become a member of Faith Presbyterian church, join us for new member orientation, “Discover Faith”. We will explore what it means to be a member of Faith. Learn how Faith Presbyterian got its start and how the Presbyterian church is governed. We’ll review the two holy sacraments of communion and baptism that are celebrated as a part of our worship services. We’ll reveal ways that you can become good stewards of Faith through the mission and ministry of the church as we worship, study, and serve together.
“Discover Faith” takes place during the year at various times. Our next scheduled orientation has not been decided due to the pandemic.
For More Information
Please contact the church office at

Active Membership
You may enter into active membership in one of the following ways:
- Profession of faith: If you have never been a member of a Christian church, you publicly profess your faith by answering the questions above and receive Baptism during a worship service.
- Reaffirmation of faith: If you have been a member of a Christian church but have not been active in recent years, you will be asked to reaffirm your faith by answering the questions above. Generally, this is for those members who are unable to secure a certificate of transfer from a prior congregation.
- Certificate of transfer from another church: If you are a member of another Christian church, you may join by transfer of certificate or letter of transfer from your previous church.
- Affiliate Membership: For those who have a home here and one in another part of the country, and who plan to maintain membership in another Christian church, you may join our congregation as an Affiliate Member.