Presbyterian Women
Upon joining Faith Presbyterian Church, all women are automatically part of the Presbyterian Women of Faith (PWF). PWF provides fellowship through group meetings and events where new members have an opportunity to interact with other ladies from our church family.
Presbyterian Women of Faith are dedicated to the missions they support through time, talent and treasures. Currently PWF missions include:
- Mision Peniel in Immokalee
- Family of Faith Day Care
- The Prayer Shawl Ministry
- WE CARE and Harry Chapin Food Bank
- Guardian for Special Populations
- Lifeline
- Cape Coral Animal Shelter
- Scholarships for our youth to attend annual West Virginia mission trip
For more information on how you can be an active participant in the life of PW ministry, please contact Barb Crann, Moderator of Presbyterian Women of Faith by emailing

Fellowship Breakfast (Formerly known as the Men’s Breakfast)
Currently Postponed
Third Thursday of the month
Time: TBD
Location: Halverson Hall
All members and nonmembers of the church meet for breakfast and a guest speaker. The meeting is free to attend, free-will offering collected for breakfast.