Weddings At Faith
We rejoice with you as you plan your wedding and we are glad you desire to have a Christian ceremony at Faith Presbyterian Church. All weddings here will conform to the guidelines listed in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order and the information provided below. All weddings performed at Faith Presbyterian Church must be approved by the Session.
Priority for weddings at Faith Presbyterian is given to those who are members of the church, are in the process of becoming members, children or grandchildren of members.
Couples who are not members of the church may be married at Faith Presbyterian; however, there must be an initial meeting with one of our Pastors to discuss your needs before the date can be placed on the church calendar.
What are my first steps?
- Review all of the policies listed below. All policies must be followed by the wedding party, guests, and vendors.
- Schedule an appointment to meet with the Wedding Director. At that time you will be able to verify the availability of your desired date on the church calendar. (There are a few limitations on dates and times. Weddings are not held during Holy Week or on major holiday weekends. Therefore, there will be no weddings on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day weekend, Fourth of July weekend, Labor Day weekend, Thanksgiving Day weekend, the week before Christmas, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day.)
- Schedule an appointment to meet with the Pastor who will officiate the service.
A minister of Faith Presbyterian Church will preside at all weddings held here. Guest ministers may participate in the service by invitation from the minister and Session. The couple must meet with the minister performing the ceremony for pre-marital counseling prior to the wedding.
Once the wedding date has been reserved, a Director will contact you. Each is a trained director and is considered a representative of Faith Presbyterian Church. The Wedding Director serves under the direction of the Session of the church and is responsible for seeing that all policies are followed by those associated with the wedding.
The Director will be of invaluable assistance from the first appointment until the wedding is over. The Director will meet early with the bride (and others) to examine the facilities, review the areas of the church to be used, and to discuss arrangements for musicians, florists and fees.
Along with pre-wedding planning meetings (approx. 3 hrs.) and helping to facilitate the wedding rehearsal (1 hr), your director will be available up to 3 hours before your wedding and for 1 hour following the wedding to accommodate your photography needs (total of 8 hours maximum). If you desire to arrive at the church earlier or stay later, or you plan on having your reception at the church, you should schedule this in advance with the wedding director and there will be an additional $25 per hour fee. Every wedding which includes music and invited guests in the Sanctuary must include the services of our wedding director.
The Wedding Director has no discretionary power to change or amend these guidelines without prior approval by the Session. When you meet with the Wedding Director you will discuss attendants, soloists, florist, and photographer. The Wedding Director does not plan the rehearsal dinner or wedding receptions. However, the Wedding Director will be on-site during all wedding events held at the church.
Securing the marriage license for Lee County will be your responsibility and must be dropped off at least a week prior to the wedding rehearsal. The Wedding Director will complete the license after the ceremony and will mail it to the Lee County Clerk of the Court.
- All decorations are requested to be in keeping with the church and its appointments. A simple setting will be found lovelier than extreme adornment.
- The church’s seasonal decorations are not to be moved or covered. (i.e. during Advent Season––the four weeks prior to Christmas, nor during any holiday week.) Please refer to Scheduling on page 5 item #3.
- Ribbons are not to be secured to pews by nails or tacks.
- Aisle Runner: The church does not have an aisle runner; if one is desired, the florist should furnish. (aisle is 100′ in total length)
- *Approx. Seating: Sanctuary—900; Hunt Chapel–90.
- Changing areas may be provided upon request. (ex. the Nursery near the Narthex, Conference Room near the Chapel). The betrothed, or someone designated by them, will arrange for security of personal property before, during, and after the wedding and/or rehearsal.
- Candelabras: the church has two with 14 candles each. There is a $50.00 fee for the use of the candelabras.
- Unity candles are not provided by the church.
- Guest book is not provided by the church.
*Seating is determined by the COVID-19 guidelines set by the church. All COVID-19 guidelines must be followed.
May be delivered up to one and one–half hours (1–1/2 hrs.) prior to the wedding and all decorations shall be removed no later than one hour (1 hour) following the ceremony. You will be responsible for any damage incurred. Please make sure your florist is provided with a copy of the church’s policy for florists.
Initiating contact with the Director of Music is the responsibility of the couple for every wedding. Please call the church office at 239-542–2858 at least three months prior to the ceremony to confirm the date and time on the Director’s calendar; and at that time, an appointment can be scheduled to discuss the music for your wedding. Usually only one brief meeting is required to plan the music for a wedding.
The marriage rite is a service of worship, and therefore the music that is selected should embody the same high standards as the music chosen for worship. Wedding music should have as its focus the worship of God, and it should emphasize the faith of the Christian community. The Music Director will be very helpful in selecting music that will make the service memorable.
Musical accompaniment need not be limited to the organ. The church also has a piano. You may wish to have a trumpet, violin, or instrumental ensemble, or the services of a vocalist. Please discuss these options with the Music Director. Live music is always preferred over recorded music. The final decision regarding musical selections will be the responsibility of the Music Director.
It is the responsibility of the couple to inform the photographer of the policies of this church:
- Flash pictures may be taken in the foyer before the processional and after the recessional.
- No photographs may be taken by guests during the ceremony.
- If a picture of the bride’s processional is desired, the photographer must stay behind the congregation. A timed exposure with a flash may be used.
- If the service is to be videotaped, the camera must be stationary and use natural light. The photographer may not move around the building or stand in the aisle. The camera may be located in the sanctuary alcove, choir loft, or in the rear of the sanctuary.
- Photographs and videotaping must be completed within 45 minutes of the completion of the wedding, unless other pre approved arrangements have been made with the wedding director.
It is mandatory to have a rehearsal for your ceremony. It is imperative that all members of the wedding party be on time for the rehearsal. The rehearsal will begin at the appointed time. Insist that all wedding party members be on time for the rehearsal. Most wedding rehearsals take approximately one hour.
The rehearsal consists of the following:
- Opening remarks
- Introduction of the Wedding Director & proper placement of the wedding party
- Walk-through of the ceremony
- Processional
- Recessional
- Final instructions by the Director to the wedding party
We expect members of the wedding party to conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner befitting the atmosphere of a place of worship.
- No smoking is permitted in any part of the church facilities.
- Alcoholic beverages are permitted in accordance with church policy.
- Rice, confetti, birdseed, balloons, flower petals, monarch butterflies, etc. may not be released either inside or outside the church. Bubbles may be used outside of the church. If you have other ideas, please check with the wedding coordinator for approval.
Weddings are a ministry of Faith Presbyterian Church. However, there are certain necessary charges to cover the cost of building maintenance and utilities, as well as the time and skills invested in your wedding by our staff.
For the purpose of determining fees, members are defined as the couple or at least one of their parents being members of this church for at least six months prior to the wedding.
A security deposit of $100 is required by all members and non-members. If reception facilities are being used, a $200 deposit is required. All fees should be paid at the church office two weeks in advance and are made out to individuals.
To ensure quality audio and visual perspectives for the ceremony in our Sanctuary, we require at least one Faith Media Team member be present at the ceremony. A list of technical services & fees are as follows:
- 1 technician
- Static slide on 3 projector screens and TVs Includes names of the couple with date (shown during guest arrival and ceremony)
- With1 hour reception – $100.00
- Includes the above required service
- Use of 1 camera for recording
- (location determined by the couple)
- Includes 1 non-edited DVD
- With 1 hour reception – $150
- 150 max digital photos (must be supplied a minimum of 3 weeks prior to service). Any audio must be supplied on CD or digital format.
- Please denote your selection on the information form.
- Suggested Honorarium – $250.00
- Suggested Honorarium ( Non Member) – $300.00
- Rehearsal and Wedding (no soloist) – $200.00
- (Includes short program of organ music preceding the wedding ceremony, and postlude music while guests are leaving)
- Organist (without rehearsal) – $150.00
- May be arranged by Dir. of Music – fee set by soloist
- Sanctuary – $100
- Hunt Chapel – $75
- w/Reception – $35/hour for services & cleanup after
USE OF CANDELABRA (including candles) – $50.00
- see fee schedule in Facility Use Policy for facility/custodial fees
- Sanctuary – $400.00
- Chapel (max. capacity: 90) – $200.00
This copy MUST BE SIGNED by the couple and the photographer and RETURNED TO THE CHURCH OFFICE.
Because a wedding is a worship service of joy and dedication, we expect photographers and video operators to treat the wedding service with respect and dignity.
The following are the policies of the church:
- Pictures may be taken of the party in the narthex preceding the wedding processional.
- The photographer may not come down the aisle beyond the intersecting pews. The Wedding Coordinator will instruct the photographer.
- Pictures (without flash) may be taken from the rear of the church during the ceremony.
- Pictures (flash) may be taken from the rear of the church during the recession.
- A video camera, run by remote, may be set up in the choir loft or in the rear of the sanctuary. There can be NO movement from one location to another during the ceremony and no use of artificial light.
- Formal wedding pictures may be taken prior to or following the ceremony.
- It is suggested that photographers arrive one and a half hours (1–1/2 hours) before the wedding so they can get their equipment in place before guests arrive.
Pictures must be completed within 45 minutes of the completion of the wedding. After 45 minutes, the custodian has been instructed to begin turning off the lights and securing the building, unless other pre-approved arrangements have been made with the Wedding Director.
- The building will be open for flowers to be delivered one and one–half hours (1–1/2 hours) before the wedding.
- All decorations must be removed no later than ONE HOUR (1 hr.) following the ceremony. If the couple is leaving the flower arrangements in the church, our maintenance person will move them to the proper place.
- Bows and flowers may be used on the pews, but attached with ribbon ONLY.
- NO tape, tacks, staples, plastic, wire or nails may be used to secure decorations in the church.
- ONLY silk flower petals are to be dropped by flower girls.
- Construction of unique or artificial settings is not permitted without prior consent of the church.
- Adequate precautions must be taken to protect the flooring, carpet, woodwork and furnishings. The commercial supplier is responsible for damage.
- Contact the church office to determine if the date you desire for your wedding is available on the Church Calendar.
- Arrange to meet with one of the pastors to talk about church policies, confirm the date, and establish a premarital counseling process.
- Complete necessary forms and pay security deposit to reserve church facilities.
- Call the church office to arrange a meeting with the wedding coordinator.
- Contact the Director of Music for consultation at: 239-542-2858.
- Review the Facility Use Policy.
- Give your florist a copy of “Church Policy for Florists.”
- Give your photographer a copy of “Church Policy for Wedding Photographers.”
- Two weeks before the wedding, pay all fees at the church office.